Sunday, March 1, 2020

THE Behavior Card

Brought to us by our friend and dear colleague, Chrissy Young, our behavior card has now spread to other grade levels!  It's THAT amazing.  The rules are simple, follow the rules=get a ticket.  Tickets are called every three weeks to receive a prize.
IF a student doesn't follow a rule, they get a signature.  Signatures=consequences.  Start small: lose your ticket.  Each additional signature in a week adds another consequence.  We range from student conference to silent lunch to parent contact to office referral.
ALL of this can be controlled by the student.  If he or she manages his or her behavior, they'll get rewarded.  Middle schoolers pretend like they don't like prizes and to be caught doing good, but they really thrive on it.  Our behavior card is a way to reward students who are doing the right thing consistently, and even though some students may have bumps in the road, they also still have the opportunity to make the right choice and be rewarded.
We check the card at the each week and keep track of those who have earned consequences.  Every Monday, the student starts all over again.  The one card lasts the entire quarter.
We also use the back of the behavior card as their hall pass.  Students only get a certain amount of "get out of class free" passes.  They use these to go to the bathroom during class, get water, go to their lockers, etc.  However, once they're gone, they're gone.  Students have to make it to the bathroom during class change, or give up a ticket because they couldn't manage their passes effectively.  It also keeps students accountable for their cards!  They may want to lose their behavior card, but they sure don't want to lose their hall pass!

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