Sunday, March 1, 2020

Teachers get sick, too

When I came down with a virus (not the A, B, or the beach-side-beer-kind) a couple weeks ago, I had to drop my coffee & creamer intake (roughly 2-3 cups/day) immediately. Caffeine and dairy contribute to inflammation in our bodies. What I had was definitely inflammatory!🔥 

Instead, I chilled my bottle of Young Living Ningxia Red and instead of filling my thermos with coffee, filled it with Thieves tea. I haven't gone back to coffee yet, so as a non-tea, non-soda pop drinker, I had a choice once I was over the virus: do what my body needed or go back to habits that were feeding my body negatively.

Ningxia Red is so good for my body, with natural antioxidant properties AND energy to get me through the day. I never had any caffeine withdrawal symptoms, even though I dropped coffee cold turkey.  Ningxia Red gives me all the benefits and none of the side effects of other energy drinks. Some of my friends add Lime or Lemon essential oils, some pour over ice with sparkling water, some (like me) shoot it straight like we're back in college🤣. 

Any way you like your coffee, I challenge you to 30 days of Ningxia Red. 2oz a day for 30 days. I am sure you'll feel the difference! Let me know if you want to take the challenge with me❤🌱

Recipe for Thieves Tea:
1 c. hot water
1 Tbsp. honey
1-2 drops Thieves Vitality essential oil blend
2-4 drops Lemon Vitality essential oil

Place oils on top of honey before stirring into hot water.

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